The Widowed Persons Support Group (WPS) is a nonprofit organization in the Dallas metropolitan area whose members are widows and widowers of all ages. A goal of WPS is for members to help, support, and encourage each other as we make the difficult transition after the loss of a spouse. An additional goal is to help us understand and accept our grief, and begin to smile, laugh and start living again. Only a person who has lost a spouse can understand and appreciate the effects of such a loss. An objective of the organization is to offer its members support and consolation through the sharing of similar experiences and to provide opportunities to meet other widows and widowers through group meetings and social activities.
The WPS President would like to visit with you and can be reached via her direct cell (214-718-9565). You have nothing to lose, as you will have no obligation and all calls will be treated as confidential.
WPS offers free grief support sessions three times a year to widowed persons who have lost their spouses within the last several years. These sessions last six weeks and are normally held on Sundays from 2-4.
WPS sponsors a large number of social activities each month. These consist of breakfasts, luncheons, or dinners on a weekly or monthly basis in various parts of the Dallas metropolitan area including Plano, Irving and other cities. A quarterly dinner with entertainment at Brookhaven Country Club is designed to attract members and newcomers from the entire Dallas area. All WPS activities are open to all WPS members and newcomers.
WPS publishes a monthly newsletter which all active members receive. The newsletter always contains a calendar of social events for that month. Reservations for these events are handled through the contacts listed in the newsletter or by contacting the WPS office. In order to receive a copy of the current newsletter, simply call the WPS office at (214) 358-4155. The office is located in Cochran Chapel, 9027 Midway Road, Dallas, Texas 75209.
WPS offers many opportunities for volunteer service. These include working as office staff members, greeting guests at our events, and more. Volunteering is a great way to get involved.
WPS was established in 1984. Members are considered active by making an annual contribution of any size to help cover the expenses of the organization along with attending a minimum of 1 event per year. At social events the only charge is whatever is necessary to cover the cost of the event itself. WPS is self-supporting and receives no funds from any source other than its members via annual contributions and business sponsors.
Copyright 2017. Widowed Persons Support Group. All rights reserved.